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While poetry is not something I pursue professionally, it is something that feeds my soul. From poetas like Julia de Burgos to modern day poets like Sarah Kay and Elizabeth Acevedo, I think there's a magical beauty in it. 

Most of my poems are for me and will never see the light of day, but here's a few I don't feel terribly embarrassed about.



I remember the night

I wished to rip my skin

From my bones, from my veins

Clawing at it to bleed


To drain you out

To scrub me clean

To dig out all the 

you in me


I remember the screams

The murderous shrill sound 

Coming from my own mouth

As if to shout you out


I remember the days

That followed and the weeks

Of sitting still in darkness

Waiting for you to leave


I remember the void

You left behind to fill

I remember it all

I remember it still




Disrobe the core of your essence

Allow me to witness the sight

Of unseen, hidden places

Kept from the morning’s eyes


Guide me to a cavern’s womb

Lead me where your heart beats

Lift me up to the mountain tops

And plunge me into the sea


Sway me with gentle winds

Rattle my bones with thunder

Wake me up at your feet

Valleys where secrets wander


Wrap me in silk and silence

A cloak of velvet black sky 

Dotted with distant starlight

Speckled in awe and fright


Dance with me under waterfalls

Whisk me across a stream

Where rivers rise and fall

And palms bend to the sea


Now let our steps be swift

And wondrous our sights

Enough to make time still

Her shifting hand tonight 



I am

A freshly broken heart

Not yet grieving

the aftermath



Holding my breath

On the edge of a cliff

Frozen in step


Looking out

At a million paths

My feet planted

In quicksand



In a sea of thoughts

Of the days ahead

And all the days past



And everywhere at once


As much as I can 



It all starts to sink in

Everything I knew

Is spiraling



Con brisa de montañas

Y sonidos de ciudades

Con el coqui cantando

Sobre nubes, sobre mares

Con una identidad 

Que corre por la sangre

Con piel de color sol

Con orgullo que arde

Con la melancolia

De millas de distancia

Con mil recuerdos gratos

De una preciosa infancia

Te llevo en el alma

Te veo en mi reflejo

Te amo a la distancia

Y es mi culpa, lo siento

El tiempo lejos de ti

Te ha convertido en concepto

En poco más que una idea

Linda postal, grato recuerdo

Con alma de turista

Admiro tu belleza

Y me regreso a casa

Sin procesar la escena

Que el tiempo te oscurece

Que miles te abandonan

Tus sueños toman vuelo

Y escapan a otra zona

Acaso piensas en mi

Paciente entre las olas

Esperando que vuelva 

Con planes de victoria

Con historias de cielos 

Que a ti no se comparan

Con promesas de amarte

Y cambiar el mañana

Que pobre idea ingenua

Que identidad confusa

Plantada en tierra ajena

Con raíces profundas

Valdrán la pena tus playas

Tus palmas y tus colores

La risa de tus hijas

Corriendo entre tus flores

Ver cuando el sol se esconde

Detrás de tus montañas

Escuchar el sonido

De tus bellas cascadas

Afirma mi alma que si

Que sera pronta mi llegada

Pero esto es solo un poema

Escrito en tierras lejanas




The words she would have said

Became a pleasant smile 

Remembering what mother said

Some things aren’t worth the while


And holding tight a war of words

Burning beneath her skin

She answered in a quiet nod

That seemingly agreed


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